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Study and Formulation of Chemicals Management Regulation and its Supplementary Measures Planning Project

Chemical substances safety management is one of the development indicators for advanced countries. This project analyzes the chemical substance management systems of the European Union, the United States, Japan, South Korea, Germany, Canada, Sweden and Singapore. The resulting draft of the chemical substance management law is revised under the framework of strengthening coordination and cooperation between departments, leveling the intensity of different departments on chemical substance management, and establishing information transmission and disclosure mechanisms. The draft is composed of seven chapters and a total of 40 clauses. In addition, this project proposes a screening principle for substances of high concern by confirming screening resources, planning classification principle, and evaluating substance characteristics. A list of substances of high concern is created. A 5 year draft plan from 2020 to 2024 for public constructions to create safe chemical environment is proposed based on management and implementation policies of all relevant departments. The plan includes flagship projects Capacity Building for Management of Chemical Substances, Sound Management of Chemical Substances in Hot Zones, Integration and Establishment of Digital Geographic Information for Disaster Prevention and Preparedness, and Implementation of Technology and Strengthening the Joint Prevention Organizations for Emergency Response. The plan has been send to the Executive Yuan for review, cross-department cooperation to seek necessary budget for the improvement of Taiwan’s chemical management efficiency is anticipated.
Chemicals Management Act;Concerned Chemical Substances;Public Infrastructure Project